March 23, 2009

My First Sewing Project

Well my first sewing project since middle school. The picture is really fuzzy but the print is little pirate things, (obviously for Hyrum's room). I figured something rectangular would be pretty easy to start with. Ben and I stayed up late one Saturday night working on it together and it was a lot of fun. Anyone have any other easy to sew ideas?

March 4, 2009

Logan- 10 Months

Yes our baby is quickly turning into a little boy. I'm not sure how much he weighs or how tall he is this month, since he doesn't have an appointment, but it's big enough we are going to have to switch car seats before the one year mark. I love all those kissable rolls (just not the ones covered in lasagna).

Ten Month Milestones:

*Pulls himself into standing position.

*Cruises around the furniture.

*Shows displeasure if pulled away from something he wants to do.

*Can eat some solid food (ie. the lasagna picture above. We should all enjoy our food as much as this.)

*Drinks from a sippy cup.

* Wears 12 month clothes.

*Jumps around in his crib (especially at nap time).

*Climbs up stairs (figured that one out at grandma's house last weekend).

*Gets into cabinets and drawers.

It won't be long until he's figured out the walking thing and then oh boy are we in trouble!