July 7, 2008

Logan-2 Month Checkup

Today was Logan's two month checkup, and I was so excited to see his growth curve. He weighed almost 13 pounds (2 ounces shy) which put him in the 72% for weight, and he was 23.5 inches tall, putting him in the 65% for height. His head was 15.2 inches, so he was only in the 16% for head circumference. So he's fat, tall, and has a small head.

I was so excited because both Hyrum and Ella didn't pass the 2% in weight until they were 2 years old. All my babies have had pretty small heads though (a plus in delivery!) I've always wanted a chunky baby (I just didn't want to give birth to one).

So, the doctor said he looks healthy and I think he's doing pretty darn good considering he was three weeks early. Logan's definitely got some chipmunk cheeks which just makes him all the more kissable.


Evaly said...

What a cutie! I love the chubby babes too :)

Lynita said...

I have always wished for a chunky baby too, maybe I will get lucky the third time around! He is so cute, I wish I could just kiss those cheeks!

Lisa-Marie said...

He is darling! My babies are FAT. Connor weighed 12 pounds at two weeks. Yikes!