April 10, 2009

Spirit Week

Hyrum celebrated spirit week at his school this week. I thought they really only did that kind of stuff in high school, but his school planned a whole week of fun and silly things. They had hat day, crazy sock day, crazy hair day, sport jersey day, and decades day. I wish I had taken pictures of every day, but the mornings are kind of a rush since school starts at 8:15 a.m. and I have to drive him clear to Springville. Not to mention if you get too many tardies you get kicked out (it's a charter school).

I did manage to get a picture of his decades day outfit. If you couldn't tell he's a greaser from the 50's. I had to convince him he was a motorcycle guy to get him to agree to wear it. This is him showing of his tough muscles. The other picture was a little blurry since his ride was already outside waiting, but you get the idea. Can you say "Fonzy"!


Ruth Vest said...

ha ha ha ha-awesome! he's going to hate that pic when he's 16!

Colleen said...

so funny. next thing you know they will be having prom at age 6. such cute kids.