May 13, 2008

Punch Out

Something about having a new baby brings to mind funny things from my childhood. I become very nostalgic and all the sudden want to go through old journals and the piles of memorabilia that I have stashed in my hope chest.

Ever since Ben brought home the wii, I've been remembering when nintendo first came out and the first time we got a nintendo. I was never very good at video games actually. I usually would just sit for hours watching my brother and marvel that he could beat any game he was given. I'm the type of person that will sit and read the entire manual that comes with the game and still barely get past level one.

However, there was one game that I absolutely loved to play. I guess I spent enough hours watching my brother play, that I actually was able to get past the first round. It's called Mike Tyson's Punch Out and I've been searching for a copy for a long time. I've told Ben all about it and we've looked in old game stores but have always come up empty handed.

On Sunday though, we were perusing the million titles available on line and there it was, Punch Out (apparently there were 2 different versions, one you fight Mr. Dream at the end and one you fight Mike Tyson). Of course we downloaded it right away and Ben could not believe how much I could remember from when I was a child. It's a whole lot easier now though because if you don't know how to beat someone there's this wonderful thing called the internet and somewhere out there, there is a geek who has posted all the tricks to beating the game. I tell you nothing helps a frazzled, sleep deprived mom more, than beating the daylights out of a computer generated enemy.


Belle Austen said...

Funny you should mention it. Justin actually has his original nintendo and that is one of the many games that he owns. It still works too. He had it out a few weeks ago and he and the boys had fun. I remember my brother playing on his, although his favorite game was contra.

jessica said...

John and I are always amazed that everyone our age seems to remember the contra code to get unlimited lives. I miss those games!