July 30, 2007

Farewell to Disneyland

The Best of Disney show is now officially over and I finally took some pictures before the very last performance (which unfortunately wasn't our best performance). It's always so sad for me when a show ends. Some of the people you may bump into again in another show, but some of the people you may never see again. Everyone gets so close to each other during a show because you spend so much time together; it's just hard to imagine you might not see each other again. Fortunately, alot of my Disney pals are in Pirates of Penzance as well, but it won't ever feel like Disney. Each cast and each show is so different. I have to say though, that even though it's hard to say goodbye to friends, I'd still do it all over again even if the friendship is only for a short while.

Our lovely sequin costumes for a Friend Like Me! Can you spot the genie?

This is a few of us girls right after the Under the Sea dance. We couldn't get any of the guys because they had a quick costume change for I'll Make a Man Out of You.

This lovely plaid ensemble is for Supercal.... which was super fast! I have no idea what happened to the other three dancers?


Lisa-Marie said...


That looks like so much fun! I can tell you love it. I enjoy stage productions as well. I was going to do Anna and the King this year but decided against it due to the fact that it isn't my favorite and didn't want to put in all the time for something I don't love. It's hard with kiddos huh? I am jealous of all the options you have. There aren't too many great productions being put on in little ole Rexburg.

Good luck in Pirates!


Amber said...

I think the other dancers were too cool to be in our pic. :P

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