October 15, 2007

10 Weeks

As of Sunday, I finally hit 10 weeks! This week my baby is about 1 1/4 to 1 3/4 inches and weighs .18 oz. Small! And baby is about the size of a small plum. Ten weeks is nice because most of the major organs have formed at this point and the baby no longer looks like a tadpole (which Hyrum was really relieved to know).

Ten weeks is also nice, because I'm finally starting to feel a little better. I still have the nausea and all the yucky pregnancy stuff, but I'm at least out of bed. Saturday, I did a little test run to see if I could drive by myself and go shopping by myself. Oh the healing powers of the mall! It was alot of fun to get out. I was even able to go to church on Sunday, although I was totally out of it because I woke up at 2:30 in the morning and could not get back to sleep. After lunch on Sunday we went for a drive on the Alpine Loop and it was so pretty! I was bummed that we didn't bring our camera. I got a little car sick, but it was worth it.

Today was the first day in over 3 weeks that I was able to watch the kids by myself. Ben still came home at lunch to help, but I did pretty good. I even cleaned out our fridge that has been accumulating moldy food for the last month. Hopefully I'll feel good enough to take the kids to Thanksgiving Point for family home evening tonight. I'll try to remember to bring the camera.

I'm adding some cute pictures we took of the kids before church on Sunday. It was the first time in over a month that they actually had on matching clothes, teeth brushed and hair done for church. God bless daddy, but he just can't do pigtails like mommy.

Ella looking cute!

And a little devious!

The ta-da pose!

Big Smooch!

1 comment:

Lisa-Marie said...

I am so sorry that you have been so sick and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

I'm very excited for your family!!