October 11, 2007

Missing in Action

Well I've been M.I.A for the past three weeks and I've really missed posting on my blog. I'll give you a little clue as to what I've been up to. . . .

That's right, I'm having a baby! Well not today, but it is on it's way. The due date is May 18th and since none of my babies have made it past 36 weeks, you can probably count on an April baby. Thanks goodness the technitian added little arrows, because I never know what the heck I'm looking at. So here is our first picture of our little bean baby. The baby seems quite content, but has been causing me quite a bit of trouble.

About three weeks ago I caught some horrific virus that more or less just makes you feel like you want to die. I couldn't eat a thing and I had diareah like nobodys business. The doctors were trying to figure out if it was the pregnancy making me feel so darn awful or something else. So a million tests later, a couple of stool samples, and we still had no answers. So they sent me home with some Zofran and I had to go in to get an I.V. put in because I was so dehyrated. It only took them about a million pokes, because my veins kept collapsing.

A week or so later I started having these back/abdominal attacks that were so bad I would black out. I was already so weak because I couldn't even eat saltines, so we went in to get an ultra sound to make sure I wasn't having a molar pregnancy (the baby stops developing, but you don't miscarry) or a multiple pregnancy. Fortunately, it was neither of those options and the baby was doing just fine, but the doctors were still baffled as to where the pain was coming from. They ran some more tests and discovered blood in my urine. So I was carted off to the urologist to test for kidney stones.

They weren't able to run the regular cat scan due to the fact that I was 8 weeks pregnant at the time so their only option was an ultra sound, which unfortunately isn't very accurate. They didn't discover any stones, but my left kidney was slightly enlarged, which indicates there is a high probability I have a kidney stone.

This week has just been so fun waiting for that stone to pass, and lucky me, it's decided to just take up permanent residency inside. If it doesn't pass real soon it means I might have to go in for a surgery to try and remove it (not something I'm looking forward to). So now we are just in the waiting game.

It's been especially hard because I haven't been able to take care of my kids. Fortunately the ladies in my ward have been taking them every morning, but I really miss my kids company and just being the one who can take care of them. They really miss it too! Daddy's been sick this last week as well, so I think they kind of feel lost about who to turn to for a parent.

Yesterday, however, I actually got dressed and went and ate a hamburger, so I think that must be a good sign. I was starting to go crazy being stuck in my bed for three weeks. So hopefully, I'll start feeling better soon and can rejoin the human race. I'm currently 9 weeks pregnant and I'm really hoping to be up and moving soon because in the late 20 weeks I go back on bed rest, so I better have some time where I can enjoy the joys of motherhood. Or is that when the kids go off to college?


Evaly said...

Man- that sucks! Hope you feel better soon. Definitely enjoy the little "joys" when you can- they are fleeting!

jessica said...

Congratulations Arin! Although I hope you are doing better soon!