November 28, 2008
Love the Turkey, Hate the Holiday
I suppose it's human nature to always be wanting the next thing in life, but it isn't the nature of God and therefore shouldn't be the nature of those that have faith in him. I can recognize that we have been blessed, but I have not let it bring me peace and contentment.
I've read all kinds of books and talked to all kinds of people on how to feel happy and grateful in the present amidst adversity and found some wonderful advice. It's the applying part that I can't seem to figure out. I know something is true, and can apply it just fine when life is easy, but when life gets complicated. . . principles just go out the window and start sounding like something off of a seminary video.
Normally I don't like to open up on blogs. They aren't journals, they are public domains, but it just felt fake for me to make a list of things I'm thankful for that I haven't really appreciated. It's not that I'm not thankful for them, but rather I keep losing focus of them when things are hard. Obviously I'm grateful for the gospel, and my family etc. but I know I could do better.
I've actually always dreaded Thanksgiving, because unlike most people who use it as time to thank the Lord for their many blessings, I use it as time to take inventory of my blessings and if I've really shown them the gratitude they deserve. Being the perfectionist that I am, I always find myself lacking and needing improvement.
I think that's also why I've always been more comfortable with Christmas. I'm so busy with the spirit of giving that I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. That's one of the reasons why we are commanded to serve others, but again it can only help for so long, then reality sinks back in, the tree goes back in the closet, trials return, and I get stuck in the same rut.
It's that vicious Book of Mormon cycle. It's pretty easy to be righteous when you are prospering and have no trials, but the downward cycle is a lot harder to fight against. I know it's not impossible though. The scriptures are full of prophets who had difficult lives and yet still remained faithful and had gratitude, even in their difficult times. I guess that's what I'm really thankful for. A lifetime to try and figure out how they did it and a Father in Heaven that knows I'm really trying.
November 21, 2008
Ready to Go!
Well, it didn't take long for Logan to figure out how to do the army crawl. He's still rocking back and forth on his hands and knees and almost taken a full crawl, but either way he is on the move! Beware!
Logan also had his first tooth pop through the surface yesterday. Four month before any of my other kids had teeth! All I can say is boy am I grateful I'm not breastfeeding right now :)
November 17, 2008
A Farley Good Birthday!
Ben turned 31 on Saturday (and sadly enough this is the only picture I could find of him. He avoids the camera about as much as I do). I didn't take the camera along for the day, but we still had a great day.
We started with a nice yummy pumpkin waffle and bacon breakfast (thank you Daddy for helping :) and were so full (not to mention ate so late) we didn't even bother eating lunch. Plus we were saving up for dinner later.
Ben enjoyed watching the BYU game while I ran errands, and he claimed BYU won just for him. I thought that was rather nice of them to win the game just because it was his birthday.
That night we went to his favorite place for Chinese food and we ordered TONS of food. I'm still full today! Afterwards we came home to open presents and to have pie and ice cream, but we bagged the pie and ice cream since we were so unbelievably full, and decided to just save if for Sunday.
After dinner and presents our wonderful neighbors came over to watch the kids so we could go to see Ben's favorite thing of all time The Farley Family Reunion at the Scera. Those of you who are unfamiliar with the Farley Reunion are really missing out. It's a one man comedy show, where he is making fun of mormon family reunions, while doing all the parts. Ben remembers watching a video of this guy way back in the 80's in Ohio, so imagine our surprise when we saw he was still doing shows and one right where we live.

Ben and Ruth (Ben's sister) were laughing so hard throughout the whole thing, that people kept turning around to look at us. I was cracking up as well, especially when he acts the part of the magician, classic! I can't even explain how absolutely hilarious it is.
Then there was a section of the show where they asked if any ones birthday was today and Ben actually got to go up stage and they ad libbed him in as part of the family. Of course he would have to tell them his name was Samsonite Farley (we had name tags to put on at the beginning, I was Persephone). The guy gave him a bunch of random coupons, plus a free ticket to his Christmas show. Ben was so excited like he'd met a real celebrity. He claimed it was the best day of his whole life, which I'm not so sure about since there was a wedding and three kids mixed in there. I guess you just can't compete with the Farley Family. We love you Ben!
November 11, 2008
Logan-6 Month Checkup
Logan had his 6 month checkup today, and I can't believe he's halfway to turning one years old! Time goes so fast, and each kid just speeds up the time dial even more.
Logan has been a fun surprise for us. By your third child, you think you've seen it all, but Logan is completely different from Hyrum and Ella. He is already to the rocking back and forth phase, when my other kids weren't even rolling at this age. I'm wondering what I'm going to do with my Christmas tree this year???
He is also a really terrific eater and will eat anything you put in front of him. (Hence the fact that he weighs pounds more than my other two at the same age).
Logan is just a super active and happy baby and we love all the fun surprises he hands us. (I'm not sure I will be saying this next month when he's crawling all over the place and into everything.)
Here's some fun statistics and milestones for Logan at age 6 months:
Weight: 17 pounds 5 ounces
Length: 27 inches
*Babbles reciprocally
*Holds onto objects and puts in mouth
*Rocks back and forth on hands and knees
*Recognizes own name and will turn when called
*Stands when held and holds own weight
*Eats pureed fruits and vegetables 2 times a day, cereal twice a day, and meat.
*Eats fruit or veggie puffs
*Can hold bottle when placed on the floor
*Enjoys reading Jane Austen (no wait that's me :)
November 2, 2008
A "Beauty" of a Week!
So, the week started on Monday with my sister Andrea flying in from Boise to stay for the whole week. She shares my passion for Halloween, so we had a great time together.
On Tuesday was the ward Halloween party. I somehow got roped into planning it even though I'm not on the activities committee. The last ward party we had was Christmas last year, and my kids were sick so we didn't get to go. Needless to say our ward was in desperate need of some social interaction. Especially since we have like a 60% turnover every semester. Everyone feels new. I'm in charge of all the relief society activities groups so I figured we'd just count it as that and throw a huge party since we were all starving for some fun in the ward.
My group leaders were so great and helped out so much. I was stressed out for months, but it all came together and turned out to be a great activity. Here's a few pictures, from the activity. We had about 120 people come! (I was running around too much to get more than this)
The tables were all decorated black or orange with a pumpkin and leaves on top. Then we put a sticker on the bottom of one chair at each table, and whoever had the sticker, got to take the pumpkin home.For dinner we had all people with last names starting with A-L bring soup and last names starting with M-Z bring desserts. The ward provided rolls and drinks. There were so many yummy soups. I think I went back 4 times to try as many different soups as possible. We had TONS of food, so I was relieved!
After dinner we did a parade for the kids. This picture is of the babies lining up for their turn. It was so cute!
After dinner the kids could go to different rooms to play games. We had a ring toss, cake walk, bean bag toss, fishing pond, and eyeball relay. The kids got tons of candy and prizes. (note to self: get treat bags for next year). I was mostly running around trying to clean up dinner and make sure the games were all going o.k. that I didn't get to see much of the kids, but they sounded like they had a good time.
When the games were finished, we had everyone come back to the cultural hall and we handed out prizes for the costumes. Hyrum won the best overall costume for the junior primary age group. I couldn't believe how many adults dressed up and how amazing their costumes were. It really was a fun activity and hopefully everyone had a good time!
Thursday was Ben's work trick or treating. The kids got to dress up and go trick or treating to all the different cubicles. They got so much candy! All the employees dressed up and their were some hilarious costumes. Ben and a bunch of developers all dressed up like women. I can't believe I didn't get a picture of Ben in my maternity clothes, makeup and a wig. At least he didn't fit into my regular clothes :)
They also had a contest for the best decorated cubicle and Ben won a $50 gift card to best buy. He had this stuffed person with a pumpkin head slumped over a key board with a mother board sticking out the back of his head. Then he had spider webs, skeletons, and different banners hanging everywhere. We were totally jazzed he won, because we went out and got wii music for free!
Friday was the craziest day. I dropped Hyrum off at school, then drove back and changed as fast as I could so I could come back to help with his class Halloween party. I thought it was funny that I was dressed as Belle and I was in charge of reading Halloween stories.
After Hyrum's class party I once again quickly drove back, changed into pj's and ran to a doctor's appointment (that's a whole other post in and of itself).
Then I drove back home, had a fun Halloween lunch of pumpkin and bat sandwiches with the kids and then quickly finished decorating the house, and making dinner. We had potato cheese soup in these cute bread bowls that looked like pumpkins. Then we had a few trick or treaters and then headed up to Springville, to our old ward and went trick or treating. We only had to do one street before the kids bags were too big for them to carry. The weather was so good for most of it though. We didn't even have to wear jackets.
It was a great Halloween! The kids had tons of fun going to all the parties, I had so much fun hanging out with my sister, and we have enough candy to last until next year. I have to say though, I did breath a little sigh of relief when I was able to flip that calendar to a calmer November. I may pull out my Belle costume to vacuum the house or something though. After all Halloween is still 363 days away!