Free! I'm free to get up off the couch and do whatever I want. I made it to 36 weeks, which means I don't have to have a million restrictions. After three weeks of bed rest you can imagine what my house looks like. Ben's actually done a really great job, but let's face it, he's at work all day, then comes home to take care of two kids and a whiney pregnant wife. He usually doesn't go to bed until midnight or later. He's been working really hard, but still he's just one person and parts of the house were in some real need of help.
So what have I done with all this freedom? Clean! I've been fighting the nesting instinct to get things ready for three weeks now, all I want to do is fold laundry, do dishes, and dust. I tell you pregnancy is a sick, sick thing.
I also had my 36 week visit today and I figured I would be at least at a 4 since I've been having contractions constantly for about a week now. Nope. I'm still between a 2 and 3 and 75-80% effaced. AUGH! I actually wouldn't mind not having the baby for another week or two, if I didn't have these contractions. Every night around 5 o'clock I'm in absolute agony until about midnight. We are talking 5 minutes apart contractions so bad that I can't stand up.
Now it's the waiting game. I wish my body would just make up it's mind. I think if I am having contractions, then I should be entitled to a baby. Right? I just keep telling myself that Logan must not be ready to come yet and God must have some supreme reason for keeping him in. Now if He could just keep the contractions too.
6 years ago
Oh, you poor thing!!!!
I'm glad I checked your Blog. I was starting to wonder if you were at the hospital. I now know that the reason you haven't called is that you are too busy cleaning. I'm guessing all this cleaning might put you into labor. Let's just hope. Love You!
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